Once in a while, something great comes out from nowhere. I knew that there were quite a few requests from customers, for a compact and lightweight chair. I did have quite a few experience in making 2000g or 1600g chairs with elaborate features for competitions, and knew how to make it light while keeping the comfortability and strength. So, I decided to design something for more everyday use. If I make the legs more slim, the structure and process to keep the strength of the chair becomes complex. Which leads to an increase in price. So we are keeping the normal thickness for legs. In that case, to reduce the number of parts, we will make the chair three-legged. Then we have the choice of "two front legs with one back leg" or "one front leg with two back legs". The former is hard to balance the backside of body, so the bottom part of the legs has to branch out, and this method is used for big & low armchairs. For the latter option, the legs don't need to branch out, thus we could keep it compact. As a side note, we don't see much three-legged chairs in Japan, but in Europe where floors are made with tiles and stones, these type of chairs are used often as it maintains balance in any uneven surface. So I immediately get on with this chair after an easy sketching. When the frame is done, I put the little backrest and seat on the chair and gently sit. Of course, it is comfortable as always. Then I put my elbow back to rest, and find that it's not bad at all. I carve the wood material roughly with an image of elbow line, and sit down again. No it doesn't fit nicely. The first one is a failure. But I keep going while the image is still in my mind. Next one, I do it more cautiously, sitting down to see the fit numerous times. Gradually a beautiful twisted line forms from backside to the elbow. This is it! When I think of a way to fit the body nicely, the beauty of the design always comes to be. This is how a semi arm chair was born with both features. Compact in size and comfortable.
size | W550 D470 H720 SH420 |
material | cherry / walnut |
price | cherry&cedar
¥131,000+tax walnut&cedar ¥145,000+tax |
designed by | Shigeki Matsuoka |
注意事項 | ※納期:6ヶ月前後
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