座面のサイズや背もたれの高さなど基本設計はsui chairと同じにして、足を乗せるステップの位置も通常のダイニングチェアの座面と床の高さに合わせています。
そのため、カウンターチェアでありながらsui chairと同じ座り心地が得られます。
This chair was made from a request by a customer for "a counter chair with not the usual small seating but something to sit on comfortably".
We made the basic structure, like size of the seat and back height, as the sui chair. Footrests are at the same level as where your feet would land sitting in a dining chair.
So, this is a counter chair that is as comfortable as the sui chair.
The legs are branched out to the bottom for more stability.
*Available in custom length of legs, according to the counter high.
size | W500 D520 H1040 SH730 高さ変更可 |
material | cherry / walnut |
price | cherry
fabric seat ¥259,000+tax wood seat or real leather seat ¥271,000+tax walnut fabric seat ¥288,000+tax wood seat or real leather seat ¥301,000+tax |
designed by | Shigeki Matsuoka |
注意事項 | ※納期:6ヶ月前後
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